What does a copywriter do?

(Abstract of the article in Italian “What does a copywriter do“)

Today, an increasing number of people wish to work as web copywriter in Italy. In this article, a general description of this job is given, which an emphasis on the main stages of the workflow of a copywriter in a typical Italian web agency.

In the end of the article, some specific information is given about wages, incomes, and the provisions of the relevant Italian collective agreements.

Author: Marco La Rosa

Hi - I am a translator, web content writer & copywriter, webmaster and expert of search engine optimization. I am fond of neurosciences, psychology, cognitive psychology, and I try to apply the new discoveries about the human brain to my daily job as a web content writer, in order to give to my readers a UX as close as possible to their real needs. I wrote the book Neurocopywriting, published by Hoepli.

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